Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.2

-> Tony on May 14 2014
The Coastguard Cutter 2.2
May /June 2014. Issue 2.

Piracy in Blacksod Bay. 1865. Co.Mayo
A few days ago while a schooner laden with Indian Corn, bound for Westport, was passing the Island of Innishea, in Blacksod Bay, a number of islanders in about twenty curraghs forced their way on board...
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Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.1

-> Tony on March 17 2014
The Coastguard Cutter 2.1
March /April 2014. Issue 1.

Q30.Gallant Rescue by Coastguards. 1869 Co.Antrim
Gallant rescue of six men by the Coastguards at Whitehouse. During the fearful gale on Saturday night last, at 10.30. the watchman at the Coastguard Station, Whitehouse, hearing cries of distress, reported same to his officer, Mr.Simon Ahern, who at once ordered a boat to be manned, Charles Pethick, chief boatman, Nichulas Jenkins, commissioned boatman, Bernard M’Loughlin, James Cambridge, and William Pengally, boatmen...
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Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter Rebooted

-> Philip on March 16 2014
Some of you may remember The Coastguard Cutter, our newsletter that ran from 2003 to 2009. At it's height it had a couple of hundred subscribers. Unfortunately, due to the workload involved it was eventually shut down.
However, I'm delighted to inform you that Tony has decided to reboot it. It will no longer be sent as an email but more as a mini-magazine here on the site. It's going to be posted via our (much unused) news system. Each volume will be posted in it's own news category.
Each new edition will be displayed on the front page as well as in the general news list. Feel free to comment your thoughts.
Enjoy :)
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Site News

New Forum Moderator

-> Philip on October 14 2012
On behalf of Tony I'd like to thank Barnford for agreeing to take on the task of Forum Moderator.

As you may have seen, the never ending battle with spammers and other ne'er do-wells rages on as always. If anyone else is interested in taking on the role, please let me know by private message. You must be a regular member with at least a years membership.
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Spam Posts and Comments

-> Philip on June 09 2012
You may have noticed an increase in the spam postings and comments on this site recently. Unfortunately, this is a caused by the increasingly sophisticated programs or "bots" that trawl the internet these days.

The search for sites such as this one and drop their "payload" in the hope of either generating sales or increasing the Google page rankings of any links they post.
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