Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.1

-> Tony on March 17 2014
The Coastguard Cutter 2.1
March /April 2014. Issue 1.

Q30.Gallant Rescue by Coastguards. 1869 Co.Antrim
Gallant rescue of six men by the Coastguards at Whitehouse. During the fearful gale on Saturday night last, at 10.30. the watchman at the Coastguard Station, Whitehouse, hearing cries of distress, reported same to his officer, Mr.Simon Ahern, who at once ordered a boat to be manned, Charles Pethick, chief boatman, Nichulas Jenkins, commissioned boatman, Bernard M’Loughlin, James Cambridge, and William Pengally, boatmen, proceeded at great risk to the place where the cries were heard, and were fortunate in rescuing six men from a coal lighter belonging to Mr.Boyd. The lighter was in a sinking state, and the men were almost covered with water. There was a fearful gale blowing at the time, and the poor fellows must have perished in a short time only for the timely rescue.. Some time ago the chief officer and part of the same crew saved the lives of three men when a boat belonging to Mr.Thompson capsized. The conduct of the Coastguards cannot be too highly commended.

Reference;The Belfast Ulster Examiner 2 February 1869.

Q14. Smuggled Goods. 1824.Co.Wexford.
On Thursday was tried before the Sub Commission of Customs, Sylvester Cullen, of Ballyvalden, for , on the 20th. of September 1822 offering a bribe to Mr.William Biddick, the Chief Officer of the Preventive Service, on the Blackwater Station, to allow the landing of smugglers goodss. The trial was put off on a former occasion, and on the present, the defender Sylvester Cullen was fined £500. Mr.Biddick attended from Connemara, in the County Galway, in which he is stationed.

Reference; Freemans Journal 16 March 1824.

Q65 “ SAN FRANCISCO” 1867 Co.Cork
On the 7th.January 1867 the San Francisco struck a submerged rock at Muckross in Clonakilty Bay. The vessel submerged and was driven over the rock at high tide. When the tide receded a mob gathered and tried to plunder the wreck. The coastguard fired several rounds of ball ammunition to disperse the mob. They were led by Mr.Brindle as the Sub Lieutenant was ill. There were numerous financial discrepancies in the salvage accounts. While the masts and canvas were saved some 3 hundredweight of copper bottoming were taken away by local people.

Ref: ‘Shipwrecks of the Irish Coast’ by Edward J.Bourke. Vol.2. p.110

Q12. Wreck of Steamer off Lambay. 1879. Co.Dublin
The screw steamer Avon was wrecked abouy 10 o’clock on Tuesday on the south-west point of lambey Island. After leaving the North Wall for Newry, all went well until, owing to two causes, the captain alleges,a thick fog, and an error in the compass, the vessel struck against the rock, and was so seriously injured that she is likely to become a total wreck. The Coasguards at Lambay set off in their boat and saved the crew, and the passengers, who at seven o’clock next morning were conveyed in the Shamrock, a small boat belonging to Lord Talbot de Malahide, from the Island to Malahide, wence they took the train to Dublin.

Reference; The Irish Times 16 August 1879.

G32. Difficulty in recruiting for the Navy. 1846.
“Its no use trying it anymore in Ireland. We can’t get a single recruit there. The people of Ireland won’t enlist” Such were the emphatic sentiments of a recruiting officer to a gentleman in this town the other day, on his return from Ireland where he had been on a recruiting expedition. If the unfortunate and half-starved Irish won’t enlist, who will ?. Bermingham Pilot of Saturday.

Reference: Evening Freeman Thurs.29th.January1846.

H6. Shipwreck. “Prince Albert” 1845 Co.Cork

Saturday morning 8th. I beg leave to state for your information that the schooner ‘Prince Albert’ , bound from Liverpool to Bantry, was driven ashore on the small island of Ballycotton at the hour of three o’clock this morning. The vessel became a total wreck, but all lives were saved. Too much praise can not be given to Mr. Edwards and the Coastguards employed by him, who at the risk of their lives, encountered the tempestuous sea in order to save the property for the owners. Mr.Falkiner Houson, boldly ventured out in the boat to assist the Coastguards on their duty. (Cork Constitution)

Reference; Saunders News-Letter Friday 14th.March 1845.

K177. Smuggling 1821 Co.Clare
On Saturday the 24th ult. Two smuggling vessels hove in sight at Mutton Island, near Miltown Malbay, and in a short time neared the shore with the intent of landing their cargoes. One of them having mistaken her position struck the ground in front of Carush Castle, and could not get off, upon which she made signals to her escort for assistance. The coast was immediately thronged with soldiers and police, who perceiving her discharging the cargo, and sending it in canoes to the other vessel, commenced firing musketry on them, which was returned by the smugglers, and one of the police shot. The smugglers succeeded in conveying the greater part of the cargo on board the second vessel and having set fire to the stranded she burned to the waters edge. The second smuggler put off to sea immediately with both crews, one of whom was mortally wounded by fire from the shore. The view from the shore of the vessel on fire was most magnificently grand, and when the fire reached the magazine, the explosion was so tremendously awful, that it struck terror through the country. (Ennis Chronicle)

Reference; Freemans Journal Saturday 3rd March 1821.

LX179. Dreadful Shipwreck (extract) 1823. Co.Cork
Ballycotton January 2. A little to the southward of Ballycotton the fine ship ‘Weare’ went to pieces with only 13 survivors. A woman with a young child returning from the West Indies where she had acquired considerable property to spend the rest of her life in Ireland was one of those who perished. The screams and shrieks of this unhappy woman were heard distinctly from the shore, and the agonizing fervour with which she addressed her infant child, that perished with her, was truly heart rending. The fury of the storm stopped any attempt at rendering assistance. The Water Guard, under the command of their respectable officer on that coast,, kept up the strictest watch, and to the honour of the peasantry, best said, not the least disposition to plunder has manifested itself. Every attention is paid to the poor survivors.

Reference; Freemans Journal Friday 7 January 1823.

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