Census Returns (3) Irish Census Returns 1901 + 1911 |
Coastguard Letters (59) Examples of contemporary correspondence |
Guides for Researchers (4) Articles with help and guidance for researchers |
Life and Times (58) The Life and Times of Coastguards |
Medals (14) Tales and Awards of Maritime Bravery |
Miscellanea (32) Anything that doesn't fit in the other categories |
Navy Lists (10) Officers Employed in the Coastguard Service (Irish Stations) |
Newsletter Archives (82) The Coastguard Cutter Archives |
Restoration Files (7) Highlighting examples of old Coastguard Stations being renovated and put to good use. |
Shipwrecks (23) Shipwrecks around the coast of Ireland |
The ADM Project (8) This section will be of use to Coastguard Family Researchers as an aid to those researching Irish Coastguard material at the National Archives (formerly the Public Records Office) at Kew in London. |
Two sides to Every Story (11) Contemporary reports or records of shipwrecks, general Coastguard matters as seen from 'both sides of the fence' as it were. |