SHIPWRECK: Brig: Nelson 27/11/1843

Galway Vindicator, and Connaught Advertiser 02 December 1843 SHIPWRECK At 2 o'clock, a.m., on Wednesday last, 27th ult., the Brig Nelson, of Maryport, Wood Master, 309 tons burden, from Demerara, with a cargo of rum, sugar, molasses, and iron-wood, struck on Mace Island, about twelve miles from Clifden, and soon became a total wreck. Lieutenant Williams, Chief Officer of the Coastguards, accompanied by Patrick Daly, Esq., of her Majesty's Customs at Clifden, proceeded to Mace Island, and obtained the above information from the Mate and three of the Crew, being the only survivors of the ill-fated vessel. Not a vestige of the wreck, nor any part of the cargo, can be discovered, the inhabitants from the neighbouring islands and main land, collected in vast numbers, and succeeded in consigning away the entire of the valuable property - so our correspondent informs us. It is supposed large quantities are yet secreted in the sands.

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