Please note: This is a non-commercial site run by a private individual for the purposes of sharing information with people with similar interests, primarily coastguards and coastguard stations in Ireland between the eighteenth and early twentieth century. All information submitted to this site is received and posted in good faith and no responsibility can be accepted for ownership/copyright issues arising therein. The majority of the photographs/images and other information on this website are all the personal property of the proprietor, who would wish that this is respected and that said property is not posted anywhere else or used for any other reason without the owners permission.
Any material submitted by members to be posted onsite must be free from any copyright restrictions. No responsibility can or will be accepted for any consequences whatsoever arising from any typographical mistakes or inaccurate information posted on this site. No responsibility can or will be accepted for any consequences whatsoever (spam or otherwise) arising from posting an email address on the Forum, Guestbook or any anywhere else on the site. If any of the photographs or information posted here contains material which you feel is copyrighted or contains personal details that you wish not to be included, then let us know by contacting us.
Privacy Statement:
Please note: Any personal details submitted to Coastguards of Yesteryear will only be used for the purpose specified and will not be used for any other purpose or forwarded/sold to any outside organisation.
The author/sender of any material, photographs, stories submitted to Coastguards of Yesteryear will be fully acknowledged and will not be used for any other purpose without the author/sender's express permission.
If any of the photographs or information posted here contains material which you feel is copyrighted, inaccurate or contains personal details that you wish not to be included, then let us know by contacting us.
Posted: 24/04/07
Please note: This is a non-commercial site run by a private individual for the purposes of sharing information with people with similar interests, primarily coastguards and coastguard stations in Ireland between the eighteenth and early twentieth century. All information submitted to this site is received and posted in good faith and no responsibility can be accepted for ownership/copyright issues arising therein. The majority of the photographs/images and other information on this website are all the personal property of the proprietor, who would wish that this is respected and that said property is not posted anywhere else or used for any other reason without the owners permission.
Any material submitted by members to be posted onsite must be free from any copyright restrictions. No responsibility can or will be accepted for any consequences whatsoever arising from any typographical mistakes or inaccurate information posted on this site. No responsibility can or will be accepted for any consequences whatsoever (spam or otherwise) arising from posting an email address on the Forum, Guestbook or any anywhere else on the site. If any of the photographs or information posted here contains material which you feel is copyrighted or contains personal details that you wish not to be included, then let us know by contacting us.
Privacy Statement:
Please note: Any personal details submitted to Coastguards of Yesteryear will only be used for the purpose specified and will not be used for any other purpose or forwarded/sold to any outside organisation.
The author/sender of any material, photographs, stories submitted to Coastguards of Yesteryear will be fully acknowledged and will not be used for any other purpose without the author/sender's express permission.
If any of the photographs or information posted here contains material which you feel is copyrighted, inaccurate or contains personal details that you wish not to be included, then let us know by contacting us.
Posted: 24/04/07