1859. Police, lend us a boat

1859. Police, lend us a boat.

Agricultural Statistics 3rd.June 1859. To J.A.Cullen Esq. Sub Inspector, Galway

From Arran 31st.May 1859.

I beg to state that having on this day spoken to chief boatman Anderson of the coastguard stationed here, requesting to know if he would accommodate me with his boat when going to take the Tillage and live stock returns on the Islands of Inishman and Inisheer. He, the chief boatman, told me, that he had lately received an order, that the Coastguard boats were not to be given for the accommodation of the Police where other boats could be procured, and that as other boats could be procured here, that he could not give his, under the circumstances. May I request liberty to employ a boat for my conveyance to these Islands, the expense of which will be ten shillings.

James Bodley. Constable 4895.

Reference; National Archives, Bishop Street, Dublin 8.

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