1822. Nine smugglers detected at Greystones

Nine smugglers detected at Greystones.

Custom House Dublin 18th.February 1822.

Sir, The Commissioner of Customs having received a letter from James Dombrain, Comptroller of the Preventive Guard dated this day stating that the Preventive crews stationed at Greystones and Six Mile Point detained nine men last night detected in the act of smuggling and brought them this day to Dublin but that it appears that it is necessary that they should be committed by a Magistrate of the County of Wicklow, and therefore requesting a military escort to take the prisoners to Bray and from thence to Wicklow in order that they may be committed to the Jail at Wicklow.

I am directed by the Board to request that you will be pleased to move the Lord Lieutenant to direct that a military escort be granted for the beforementioned purpose accordingly.

I have the honor to be your obedient humble servant. Walter McNeill.

To William Gregory Esq.

Reference; Custom and Excise Admin Letters. National Archives. Bishop St. Dublin 8

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