The Limerick Reporter, 29 November 1839

The Limerick Reporter, 29 November 1839

On Tuesday night last, a large American ship was hove to, under a close reefed main top-sail. She was drifted in towards Kilkee, and appeared to be in most imminent peril from her contiguity to the shore. Immediately on it being discovered, the Coastguard with the utmost promptitude despatched a messenger to Captain Teephook, of H. M. Cruiser Hamilton, stationed at Kilrush, who at once put to sea, for the purpose of rendering every assistance necessary—but before he came up, the wind rounded from the Eastward, which was providentially the cause of the vessel being able to get off without any injury. We have not been able to learn the name of the ship for the present. She has, however, in all likelihood, arrived at her destination by this time.

1 Comment · 6397 Reads · Print  -> Posted by Kalilileth on September 10 2009


#1 | Tony on 11/09/2009 11:43:51
Name Correction.
Captain R.S.Triphook, of H.M.Cruiser Hamilton was based in Ireland at various ports from 1835 till 1853.
The report of the Limerick Reporter of the 29th November 1839 was in error concerning the name of the Captain of the Hamilton.

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