OPW Building Letters. [Antrim]

Office of Public Works (O.P.W.) Letters at National Archives, Dublin in Relation to Building Repairs and Erection of New Stations.

Co. Antrim.

Ballintoy Coastguard Station. Co.Antrim. Office of Public Works, Dublin. 31 October 1871.

BLUE FORM. New Station to be built at Ballintoy, Co. Antrim at a cost of £1,816-19-6.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Cushendall Coastguard Station. Office of Public Works, Dublin. 31 January 1848.

To James Owen, Esq. Informed that a letter from the Board of Customs stating that it has been represented to them that the house occupied by the Chief Officer at Cushendall Station in the Port of Coleraine is in so dilapidated a state as not to be worth the expense of the repairs attended to may be suspended for the present.

Mr. Owen is requested to act accordingly.

By Order. J.C. Walker.

Reference; P.45.Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Whitehead Coastguard Station. Co. Antrim. Office of Public Works Dublin 11 December 1871.

Sir, The Admiralty has been requested to authorize the proper officer of the Coastguard to arrange with you the taking over the possession of the new buildings at Whitehead as soon as the few matters now in hand are finished by the Contractor.

By Order. D. Hornsby Sec.

To William Gray Wsq. Belfast.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Carrickfergus Coastguard Station. Co. Down 5 May 1870.

To Division Officer, Coastguard Stations, Carrickfergus, Whitehouse, Portmuck.

Sir, The bills last forwarded by you for cleaning cesspools at the above stations have been ordered for payment. Claims for similar work were made and paid for in January last. This is a very short interval and requires explanation.

Sir, I am your obedient servant. D. Hornsby. Sec.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

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