Thomas Gaskin

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Additional Information:
Marriage Certificate: 1870 Marriage solemnised at Renvyle in the Parish of Ballinakeera (?sp) in the Co. Galway. When Married: 24th September 1870. Name and Surname: Thomas Gaskin. Age 30. Condition: Widower. Rank or Profession: Coastguard. Residence at time of Marriage: Tullymore. Father's Name & Surname: Arthur Gaskin. Rank or Profession of Father: Manager of Sugar Plantation. Name and Surname: Margaret Connolly. Age 32. Condition: Spinster. Rank or Profession: Dressmaker. Residence at time of Marriage: Tullymore. Father's Name & Surname: Thomas Connolly. Rank or Profession of Father: Coastguard. Married in the Church of Renvyle according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland by Licence by me, Henry Ashe signed by Thomas Gaskin and Margaret Connolly in the presence of us: Samuel Duffin & Andrew Castleton.
I have copy of this marriage entry and am happy to email copy to anyone who wishes to have one.



Record ID3094 posted by Kalilileth
Date of posting: 31/07/2009



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