
Desktop Wallpapers

-> Philip on August 25 2007
thumbNow available in the downloads section - Coastguards of Yesteryear desktop wallpapers. They are 1024px x 768px in size and should fit most monitor configurations. There are only a few now, but we hope to add more soon.

Go to Downloads [top link], click on CoY PC Wallpapers to view the thumbnails, click download under the image of your choice and save it to a file on your P.C. Right click on the file and choose "Set as Desktop Background".

If it doesn't fit exactly, right click anywhere on your desktop, choose "Properties", select the "Desktop" tab. Select from the "Position" dropdown whether "Center", "Tile" or "Stretch" suits best.

We hope you like them and we hope to add more soon. Feel free to pass them on should you wish.
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