1920. Attack on Enniscrone



Previous to the attack, small groups of two and three men were passing up and down the roads and paths around the Coastguard Station which is an isolated building. It is practically certain that there were many men hidden around. It is estimated that at least 150 men took part in the raid, of which only about 6 were masked. The Coastguards state that they think the actual raiders came from Sligo and Tubbercurry, and that local men were only employed as scouts.

The attack commenced at about 2115 hours when the groups of men on the road jumped over the wall and secured the guards without any noise. Three men then came in the gate and ran to the nearest door, where two got behind the door, and one held up Mrs.Livermore with a revolver, who thereupon screamed. The Petty Officer and three men were all that were left, as the others were in the town off duty. The Petty Officer rushed downstairs, told the man to put down his revolver and then found that he was held by the two men behind the door.

The raiders then took the others except one who was firing out the windows. They then drew off and told the Petty Officer to order his men to stop firing, but he refused to do so. He was finally stopped by one of his own men, who was told that they would all be shot, if they shot any of the raiders. In all seven shots were fired, four by the Coastguards and three by the raiders. One of which was fired at Mrs. Livermore. The raiders took out a little of the furniture, and broke open all the packing cases of the married families which had been sent to Buncrana that day.

They then collected all the arms and ammunition which they could get, and set the place on fire. At the time of the attack, the Coastguards men were split up in the various rooms and so were separated. Three cars were used , lorry being in the centre with the loot. Both of the other cars had men in. Before moving off the cars showed a green light. One of the raiders said the following words to the Petty Officer "We must hurry up as I have to walk to Sligo".

The leader was about 5’10" in height, wore apparently fake glasses, and was round shouldered. The second in command was about 5’2" and was much stouter. The Coastguards think that the man came from Sligo or Tubbercurry.

The driver of the lorry wore a civilian cap and overcoat, but underneath was a British Officers uniform with Sam Browne Belt and ribbons. They could not tell what the ribons were, his nickname was Bat.

List of property taken ;-

2 Ross rifles.                    2 Lee Metford Long pattern

9 Pistols (Webley long)    3 Service Cutlasses

2 Telescopes                    3 Prs Ross Prismatic Binoculars

The Chinese double handed sword taken at TAKU in 1900.

The sword stick, porcelain handle, crack with gold wire round.

Chief Officers Name. Livermore

Petty Officers do. Henry Randall

The state of the town is bad and it is said that they are waiting for Mrs. Livermore who was away giving evidence.

            (signed)            J.F. Ashton, Lieut.

Ballina 28/8/20.           2nd. Bn. The Border Regt.

Reference; National Archives, Bishop Street, Dublin 8.

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