1829. Majesty's Revenue Cruiser, Kite


HM Revenue Cruiser 'Kite' Kingstown, 18th.June 1829.

Sir, I have the honor to acquaint you that in pursuance of your order of 10pm. 13th. instant, I proceeded in His Majesty's Revenue Cruiser, 'Kite', under my command, along the coast of Wicklow and Wexford for the protection of the coastal trade but in consequence of the Head being on the shore with a heavy surf I was not enabled to communicate with Lord Courtraine (?) or any of the magistrates.

Yesterday morning I landed at Wicklow where I met Captain Blair R.N. Inspecting Commander who informed me that by the active steps taken by the magistrates the rioters were completely put down and that in his opinion no further efforts would be made to interrupt the trade.

Having carried away parts of both main halyard blocks and obliged to leave the Gaff slung, I deemed it prudent to return to this anchorage to repair the damage and await your further orders.

Signed William H.Burke, Commander.

To Inspector General Coastguard, Dublin.


Reference; Customs and Excise Admin. Papers. No. 40. 2/442/38. National Archives. Dublin.

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