1829. Arklow rock


Custom House, Dublin. 15th.June 1829. To William Gregory Esquire.

Sir, The Commissioners of Customs having received your letter dated the 13th. inst. signifying the request of the Lord Lieutenant that A Revenue Cruiser might be send to Arklow Rock in aid of the Magistrate for the protection of boats with provisions leaving Arklow.

I have it in command to acquaint you that the same was immediately transmitted to the Inspector General of the Coastguard (under whose order the Cruisers are) - sent a message to the Commander of the Revenue Cruiser 'Kite' then in Kingstown to proceed forthwith to the coast of the Counties of Wicklow and Wexford to render all the aid in his power to protect the coasting trade.

I remain, your humble servant, William Morgan.



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