1821+2. Various Custom and Excise Papers


E. Hardman to C. Grant

11th.December 1821. Attack on Preventive Waterguard at Loughshinney by an Armed mob of smugglers, who succeeded in landing some tobacco.

W. Trench to W. Gregory.

18th.February 1822. Capture of smugglers by the Greystones/Six Mile Point Preventive crews, military escort required to take them to Wicklow Gaol.

J. Dombrain of the Preventive Waterguard to W. Gregory.

22nd.February 1822. Two smuggling vessels off Baltimore chased; and one captured by the Sherkin Preventive crew.

E. Hardman to W. Gregory.

12th.October 1821. Smuggling cutter prevented from discharging her cargo at Loughshinney by the Skerries Preventive crew.


Reference: Custom and Excise Papers. National Archives. Bishop Street. Dublin 8.

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