1920. Evacuation of Ballyglass



From. D.O. Belmullet To. C.O.A. Buncrana

4th. September 1920.


Submitted, - in accordance with your secret memorandum of the 24th. August,

1. Ballyglass was evacuated on the 28th. August. H.M.Trawler 'Thomas Johns' arrived at 7 a.m., embarkation of stores commenced at 8 a.m., and she sailed at 8 p.m. for Buncrana to unload.

2. The crew with personal belongings were embarked in H.M.S. Wivern, the embarkation being completed by 10.40 p.m. The Commanding Officer was directed to proceed to Keel as convenient on the morning of the 29th. to disembark the crew.

3. A cart was hired for £2 for conveyance of stores etc. to the beach, and the owner and his three brothers assisted in the evacuation. A further £1 was subsequently paid, owing to the late hour to which the cart was required.

4. One ladder and two wheelbarrows were sold for £2, being cumbersome to remove. They were not in good condition.

5. No tenant or caretaker could be found for the building, but the boat-house and garden were let a monthly rent of eight shillings.

6. There were some attempts at pilfering by civilians, and various articles were found hidden in the neighbourhood of the station. It is possible that all were not recovered, but a thorough search was made before the crew embarked.

7. The Station building was destroyed by fire early on the morning of the 30th. of August. A strong patrol of Police was on its way to the station, and four arrests were made, including two notorious leaders of Sinn Fein.

Information for Claim for Malicious Injury has been sworn, and a Certified copy sent to the Crown Solicitor at Ballina.

Signed; (illegible signature)

Commander, D.O.


Reference: National Archives, Bishop Street, Dublin

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