1871. Suitable Quarters

Ballycastle Coastguard Station, Co. Mayo. 1st.December 1871

Sir, In reference to your letter of the 24th. enclosing certain suggestions from the Divisional Officer with regard to improvements and alleged omissions in the plans for the station. I am directed to state:

1stly. There is no difficulty in making the stable for 2 horses instead of 1, if the Admiralty - with whom the matter rests - think it desirable.

2ndly. The Board do not see the necessity of going to the extra expense of providing a room for a manservant as indicated: the house is provided with seven bedrooms.

3rdly. The Board would suggest that is not usual to incur the expense of a harness room for so small an establishment.

4thly There is already provided a privy in the Officers yard and a pit for stable manure sunk in the corner.

5thly. The plans show a privy, ash-pit and coalhouse for each of the men's quarters.

I am sir your obedient servant. D. Hornsby. Sec.

To Lt. Col. Clarke, RE. Admiralty, London.


Reference: Board of Works Letter Books. National; Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 8

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