1831. Smugglers Captured or were they

1831. Smugglers Captured or were they?

On the evening of Saturday last, a small schooner was seen in the offing, by the Water Guards near Baldoyle. She appeared to be unacquainted with the coast, and the breeze having freshened

Was driven on the sands near Tubbermackenny. The Water Guards under the command of Lt.Digby put off to their assistance, but before they arrived, the crew, 5 in number, got into a boat and rowed away. The Water Guards gave them chase, and upon coming up found they were all Frenchmen- they secured them, and having boarded their craft discovered 80 bales of tobacco on board, which have since been transmitted to the Custom house. The remainder of the cargo consisted principally of rum: it has also been seized.

To the Editor of the Freemans Journal

Sir, Having read in your paper of yesterday, in an article headed "Smugglers Captured", a statement of the wreck of a French vessel on the coast, near Baldoyle, and of the subsequent arrest of her crew , I feel it incumbent of me to inform you, that you have been completely led into an error; as to the circumstances relative to that unfortunate event, and also to the motives which have called forth the same arrest. The crew are neither accused of smuggling, nor of having sought to escape pursuit by flight. The only charge laid against them before the Magistrates, is the following, viz;- "How can the vessel have strayed so much in her course, as to deviate so far from her destination?" Now the query is, whether an officer of the customs has a right to believe himself sufficiently justified, on this head alone, in ordering the arrest of the crew, and seizure of goods? This is what the Magistrates shall be called on to decide in a few days.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient and humble servant.


Charge de la Gestion Consulat de France a Dublin. Dublin October 5. 1831.

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