1819. Clontarf Salaries


1819. Clontarf Salaries

Custom and Excise Papers.

Re; Dublin Coast surveyor from Dublin to Drogheda.

Copy of Propositions delivered to Mr. Grant in Dublin. 26th.October 1819.

Coast Surveyor from Dublin to Drogheda and Coast Officers at Clontarf.

In the progress of the enquiry into the duties of the several officers in the Establishment of the Port of Dublin and the manner in which the same are executed it appears that two Coast Officers with the salaries of £60 per annum each were stationed at Clontarf. Upon requiring the appearance of these officers and the production of the Diaries of their proceedings which they are directed to keep by the Instructions, it was discovered that one of these appointments is held by Mr. Richard Kinsey, clerk in the Office of the Collector in the Port of Dublin and that Mr. Hyat Boyde the other Coast Officer was absent at Wexford by leave of the Board. Upon questioning Mr. Kinsey respecting this person it was evident from the result, altho reluctantly admitted, that he is principally at Wexford, of which place he is stated to be a native, altho he has nominally a Lodgings at Clontarf.

These two officers whose duty it is to guard the Coast by night as well as by day for the purpose of preventing Smuggling are under the survey and supervision of Mr. John Franklin, Coast Surveyor from Dublin to Drogheda. From the examination of this Officer it appears that he had met the officers at Clontarf no more than two or three times during the last twelve months on the alleged ground of the great extent of his district and that his account of other Officers under his survey was very unsatisfactory. The District of which the Coast Surveyor has charge does not it is estimated exceed 30 miles in extent and the place residence, Rush, is in the centre of the District, he is required to keep a horse and is also allowed a boat with a Coxon and crew to enable him to effectively perform the duties entrusted to him.

That the Revenue derives little if any benefit from the services of these Officers, is fully evident. With the present imperfect knowledge of the system of Preventive Guard by land and water for the important object of preventing and detecting Smuggling it would be premature to offer any opinion to the best means of remedying the existing defect in the supervision and control over the conduct of these Officers. It may nevertheless be safely pronounced that the appointments of the two coast officers at Clontarf are now wholly useless, that the Coast Surveyor in question has been culpablly negligent in the performance of his duty in regard to the inspection of that part of his District and that without greater attention and exertion on the part of himself and the Officers under his direction then further continuance in the Service can afford no benefit or protection to the Revenue. It is suggested that early attention of the Board of Customs be called to this subject not only with a view to the efficient guard of that part of the Coast in future but also to the severe reprehension of the supervision and neglect of the Coast Surveyor alluded to.

Reference: Customs and Excise Papers. National Archives, Bishop street, Dublin 8

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