John Vincent Rohu

Off Sebastopol, May 22nd. 1855.

Mon.May 22nd. At daylight commenced embarking Turkish troops for Kertch. At 5 p.m. got in all boats and flats for landing troops. At 7 p.m. weighed anchor for Kertch in company with the greater portion of the fleet, but leaving a sufficient number to watch enemy movements.

Tu.May 23rd. Daylight. Hazy weather and fine. Nothing occurred during the day.

W.May 24th. Daylight. Off the entrance of Kertch. At 5.30 sent the Miranda in chase of a Russian steamer. At 11.30 all came to anchor in the roads. Distance from Kertch about 10 miles. All the small steamers sent ahead to get closer inshore. French and English gunboats dispatched ahead to harry the enemy while we were getting boats ready and taking troops to small flat-bottomed steamers. At 2 p.m. commenced landing troops, the gunboats firing shot and shell occasionally to annoy the enemy. The Snake gunboat was annoying the fort at Yanakeel. At 3 p.m. the enemy commenced blowing up their forts and just about this time a troop of the enemy cavalry showed themselves but a shell or two from the Recruit steamer sent them flying over the hill again. The landing of our troops was carried on with great despatch, for as soon as the boats were loaded with troops, they were carried close inshore by a steamer. At8 p.m. an explosion took place at Yanakeel. It proved to be a large magazine blown up by the enemy. Our boats kept on landing troops all night. At 8.15 a large …was towed alongside the ship full of packages and chests which a Russian steamer was forced to let go as she was so closely persued by one of our gunboats and picked up by one of our gigs. The contents proved to be Government papers including a journal and all sorts of household furniture.

Th.25.May. At daylight the troops on shore advance on the town of Kertch and as soon as our troops were discovered by the enemy they set on fir their large factory and deserted it. But our troops found the town deserted by all but a few inhabitants. They suffered very much from the warm weather and the want of water. During the day our ship was discharging the baggage belonging to the Turks. At 6 p.m. our troops had possession of Yanakeel and our gunboat had taken several prizes. A floating battery with three guns arrived off the fort.

F.26th. May. Daylight. Light breezes and fine. Boats employed ashore at government yard taking ropes and all sorts of things for the use of the fleet. Our gunboat was employed some distance off.

Sat.27th.May. Daylight. Fresh breezes and fine. Boats employed in taking machinery from the factory of Kertch and a party went from each ship to dismantle…… and transport them down to the shore, that they might be taken to England and France.

Su, 28th.May. Daylight. Fresh breezes and fine. Boats still employed in Kertch.

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