OPW Building Letters. [Dublin]

Office of Public Works (O.P.W.) Letters at National Archives, Dublin in Relation to Building Repairs and Erection of New Stations.

Co. Dublin.

Rush Coastguard Station. Co. Dublin. Martello Tower.

December 26th.. I think the kitchen range was put in at the time the Tower was fitted for occupation by the Coastguard in 1865.

Reference; O.P.W. Letters 9756/90.

Martello Tower at Rush, Co. Dublin. To Mr. Mellon Esq. O.P.W. 18 April 1865.

Sir, The Martello Tower at Rush, Co.Dublin having been placed at the disposal of the Coastguard Department : as long as it may not be required for the Royal artillery. The Board desire that you will make an inspection as to its state of repair on the occasion of your next visit to the locality.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant. D. Hornsby. Sec.

Reference; Board of Works Letters. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

O.P.W. Letters. 16 July 1865.

Referring to the accompanying letter I beg to state that it was only last week that the key of the Martello Tower at Rush was handed over to the Coastguard Officer. I inspected the Tower yesterday and found it generally in good repair, but in order to place it in a suitable for Coastguard purposes, the principal floor should be divided by partitions to form living room, bed room and pantry, similar to the arrangements recently effected at No. 6 Tower (Portrane Strand) and a general painting, whitening and minor repairs to plastering, woodwork etc. as also tarring to the platform and gates and palings round the ground would be required.

The probable cost of the work would be. For partitions £10.5.0.

Painting, Whiting and repair £14.0.0.

Total £24.5.0.

M. Mellon. Reference 5712/65.

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