OPW Building Letters. [Waterford]

Office of Public Works (O.P.W.) Letters at National Archives, Dublin in Relation to Building Repairs and Erection of New Stations.


Ardmore Coastguard Station. Co. Waterford. Office of Public Works Dublin. 5 May 1870.

To the Assistant Secretary Marine Dept. Board of Trade, London.

Sir, The Rocket Cart house at Ardmore is now completed and I send forward a Receivable Order for the lodgement of the sum of £75 for the payment of the contractor in accordance with the arrangement made in the case.

Sir, I am your obedient servant. D. Hornsby. Sec.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Ardmore Coastguard Station. Co. Waterford. 1 June 1870

To. Lt. Col. Clarke. RE. Admiralty, Spring Garden, London.

Sir, Referring to the Board’s letter of the 26th April last I am directed to request that you will state whether instructions have been given to the Officers to arrange about taking over the buildings.

I am, your obedient servant. J. Latimer. Sec.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Ardmore Coastguard Station. Co. Waterford. 21 June 1870.

Sir, In reference to the Board’s letter of the 26th April and the 1st inst I am directed by the Board to request that you will have to state whether you have given instructions to the Officers at the above station to take over possession as the formal instructions have been postponed in consequence of this information not having been received.

I am your obedient servant. William S. Stark. Sec.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

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