| A - F | G - L | M - R | S - Z |
Name | Date of Seniority | Rank | Station | Bagehot, Charles | 11 Oct.1828 | Insp. Lieutenant | Youghal. | Bates, Henry A. | 27 May 1843 | Insp. Lieutenant | Port Rushine,Sligo | Beatson, Henry D. | 3 June 1827 | C.C. Civilian Commander | "Swift".Carrickfergus. | Bedford, John W. | 20 Nov.1843 | Lieutenant of Station | Mouth of Boyne | Blissett, Charles E. | 12 Sept.1840 | Lieutenant of Station | Castletownsend | Blyth, Charles | 2 Dec.1843 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballyhalbert | Boileau, Lestock F. | 10 Aug.1824 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Skibbereen | Bowie, John | 1 Jan.1847 | Inspecting Comm. | Carrickfergus | Bowling, John | 9 Apr.1844 | Civilian 2nd. Mate | "Bat" Castletown | Broad, William H. | 9 Nov.1846 | Lieutenant Commander | "Dolphin".Kinsale. | Brown, A. | 17Mar.1836 | Civilian 1st. Mate | "Racer" Killybegs | Burke, W.H. | 13 Aug.1825 | Lieutenant Commander | "Kite" Carrickfergus | Burniston, Hugh S. | 30 Oct.1825 | Lieutenant of Station | Dalkey,Dublin | Burt, William | 11 June 1835 | Lieutenant of Station | Orlock Hill | Campbell, Patrick | 30 Nov.1846 | Lieutenant Commander | "Wickham".Carrickfergus | Carroll, Andrew D. | 3 April 1837 | Lieutenant of Station | Killough | Carter, John | 18 Nov.1842 | C.F.M. Civilian First Mate | "Badger",Skibbereen. | Charlesson, R.W. | 27 Feb.1843 | Lieutenant Commander | "Royal George"Carrickfergus | Collins, Francis | 4 April 1831 | Lieutenant of Station | Carnsore | Colston, Samuel | 31 Oct.1828 | Lieutenant of Station | Arthurstown | Clifford, Herbert J. | 11 Oct.1823 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Waterford | Crocker, Henry | 20 Jan.1844 | Lieutenant Commander | "Prince Albert" C/fergus. | Cuscaden, William | 17 April 1843 | C.S.M. Civilian Second Mate | "Eliza" Westport | Dabine, T.D.J. | 25 April 1829 | Lieutenant of Station | Bray | Dawson,William (b) | 10 Oct.1838 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Dulough,Westport | DeCourcy,Michael | 3 July 1844 | Inspecting Comm. | Cove,Cork | Dennehy,Lawrence | 20 Jan.1842 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballymacaw | Elliott, E.G. | 27 Feb.1843 | Lieutenant of Station | Oysterhaven, Cork | Fisher, Peter | 20 Mar.1840 | Inspecting Comm. | Newcastle, Down | Foster, H.D. | 9 Oct.1840 | Lieutenant of Station | Courtmacsherry | Fowler, William R.M. | 28 Oct.1843 | Inspecting Lieutenant | West Cove,Tralee | Franklyn, George | 5 July 1836 | Lieutenant of Station | Blackrock | Gillespie, Andrew | 30 April 1845 | C.S.M. Civilian Second Mate | "Viper" Waterford | Goldsmith, Charles | 1 April 1845 | Lieutenant of Station | Belfast | Goslin,William H. | 17 Nov.1843 | Lieutenant of Station | Barna, Galway | Hamilton, Thomas | 3 Oct.1825 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Mullaghmore, Sligo | Harding, George | 28 Feb.1826 | Lieutenant of Station | Belderig, Sligo | Henri, Alphonso | 17 Dec.1821 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Ballycastle, Sligo | Higgon, Henry M. | 7 Nov.1842 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballycastle, Sligo | Holland, Edward | 10 July 1845 | Inspecting Commander | Ballycastle, Antrim | Hungerford, Thomas | 10 Oct.1822 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Strangford | Irwin, Joseph | 11 Oct.1823 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Malahide | Keeling, John J. | 20 June 1834 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Castletown,Berehaven | Kelly, Timothy | 19 Feb.1844 | Civilian 1st.Mate | "Amphitrite" Galway | Kempthorne, C.H. | 7 July 1831 | Lieutenant of Station | Old Head,Kinsale | Kennedy, Arthur | 27 May 1842 | Lieutenant of Station | Cushendun | Kennedy, William H. | 29 Sept.1846 | Inspecting Commander | Wexford | Knox, Marcus | 21 Nov.1842 | Lieutenant of Station | Portrush | Lawless, Henry | 7 March 1843 | Lieutenant of Station | Balbriggan | Lawrence, Henry | 1 Jan.1833 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Ballyheighe,Tralee | Lett, Stephen J. | 3 April 1837 | Lieutenant of Station | Bar of Lough,Wexford | Lyon, Francis | 8 Feb.1837 | Lieutenant of Station | Jack’s Hole, Wicklow | Lyons, William | 18 Mar 1834 | Lieutenant of Station | Glenarm | Macnevin, John | 27 Nov.1822 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballyranghan,Galway | Mann, Robert | 2 July 1845 | Inspecting Commander | Kilrush | McAlister, Arch. | 13 March 1846 | C.S.M. Civilian Second Mate | "Liverpool" Berehaven | McGladery, John | 1 Nov.1821 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Sheephaven,Dunfanagee | Mesney, William | 9 April 1844 | C.S.M. Civilian Second Mate | "Jane".Carrickfergus. | Millet, John | 20 Oct.1840 | Lieutenant of station | Arklow, Wicklow | M'Innes, Alexander | 18 April 1843 | C.S.M. Civilian Second Mate | "Albatross",C/Fergus. | Morriss, Edward | 15 Nov.1823 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Seafield,Clare | Moss, Charles | 6 Dec.1846 | Lieutenant of Station | Robert's Cove | Nugent, John | 11 Oct.1823 | Inspecting Commander | Westport | O'Connell, M.F. | 12 Jan.1836 | Lieutenant of Station | Tarbeit (Tarbert ?) | Oliver, B. | 11 May 1823 | Civilian Commander | "Prince of Wales", Dublin | Penfold, George Stuart | 15 Nov.1823 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Carne,Derry | Phillips, G.(R.M.) | 8 Dec.1828 | Lieutenant of Station | Cove Bay | Pilkington, Edward W. | 29 Sept.1846 | Inspecting Commander | Kinsale | Pollard, John | 2 Aug.1836 | Lieutenant of Station | Dublin | Poole, Robert | 7 June 1831 | Lieutenant of Station | Greystones | Postle, Charles James | 15 Aug.1846 | Inspecting Commander | Dundalk | Reynolds, James | 18 June 1838 | Lieutenant of Station | Scattery | Roch, William | 9 June 1843 | Civilian 1st.Mate | "Chance" Carlingford | Ross, C.W. | 10 July 1835 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballinacourty | Scudamore, W.J. | 3 Jan.1822 | Lieutenant of Station | Islands of Kane | Senior, James | 31 Oct.1823 | Lieutenant of Station | Rush | Servante, Charles | 10 Oct.1838 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Carlingford | Sewell, H.F. | 30 Mar.1835 | Lieutenant of Station | Kilmore, Wexford | Skinner, A.M'G. | 7 July 1840 | Inspecting Commander | Belfast | Sterne, Williamv | 11 Oct.1823 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Dingle | Stokes, Henry | 26 May 1845 | Lieutenant of Station | Rosslare | Syer, Frederick Chev. | 20 Feb.1844 | Inspecting Commander | Glynn,Gorey | Taylor, Walker | 22 June 1836 | Lieutenant of Station | Cove,Cork | Travers, James | 2 June 1846 | Lieutenant of Station | Barry's Cove | Triphook,R.S. | 1 Dec.1822 | C.F.M. Civilian First Mate | "Hamilton".Kilrush. | Turner, R.J. | 24 Feb.1840 | Lieutenant of Station | Oyster Haven | Wall, Allen | 28 Aug.1834 | Lieutenant of Station | Ballygally | Ward, John R. | 29 Sept.1846 | Inspecting Commander | Clifden,Galway | White, Hugh Brice | 9 Aug.1847 | Inspecting Lieutenant | Galway | | | | | | | | |
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