1869 - Arrival of Royal George


1869. Arrival of "Royal George"

To Major General Sir E.R.Wetherall, The Castle, Dublin

H.M.S. Royal George. Kingstown, 2nd.May 1869.

Sir, I have the honor to acquaint you for the information of His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, that I am about to proceed in Her Majesty's Ship "Royal George", on the 6th.May, to Plymouth and Portland, for the purpose of joining the Squadron for the exercise of the Coast Guard and Naval Reserve.

The "Seamew" and the "Raven" will be left at Kingstown and should His Excellency require the services of a Man of War Commander Robert Sterne will attend to his wishes and, if necessary, forward any communication to My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

I have the honor to be, Sir , Your obedient Servant.
Robert Jenkins. Captain.

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