Patrick Fahey

Views: 6647
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Census 1911FaheyPatrick

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied
C.G.East FerryCo.Cork


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Record ID751 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 13/04/2009



#1 | Don3838 on 26/09/2018 11:38:37
This is my great grandfather on my fathers side. He was married to a mary or Minnie ODonovan , they had 4 children 3 boys (William,Michael and Patrick) 1 girl, (kathleen),the girl died as a young child i think. I dont know much about his career as a coast guard only that at some stage he was moved to Ballycotton co.cork.
As the family story goes, Patrick was born Fouhy(not sure of spelling?). On entering the coast guard his name was mistaken for Fahey. Im not sure how accurate this story is and would love any information someone may have on my great grandfather.

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