John Edwards

Views: 2097
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
ADM RecordsEdwardsJohn

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied
Coastguard Boatman 2208Cooley Point1796 Fishguard10/05/1851

Additional Information:
5 July 1831 Nominated from Revenue Cruiser DOVE as Coastguard Boatman no. 2208 and posted to Bognor
26 March 1833 removed from Bognor / Littlehampton to Milford (Newquay)
26 June 1833 removed from Milford to Baldoyle, Ireland & residing at Coastguard, Newquay.
9 July 1836 removed from Portrane to Cooley Point, Ireland
15th November 1841 removed from Cooley Point to Dunany Point, Dundalk, Ireland
31 October 1846 removed from Dunany Point to Killough (Newcastle Stn)
8 December 1846 removed from Killough (Newcastle Stn) to Cooley Point
10th May 1851 at Giles Quay, Cooley Point Station Discharged Dead


Record ID3146 posted by Gaynor
Date of posting: 20/03/2011



#1 | Gaynor on 01/04/2013 01:13:03
Married Dorothy Volk (born Granston 1792) at Fishguard. Pembrokeshire, Wales on 11 Feb 1815.
Children include: William Edwards born December 1815 Fishguard;
John Edwards born 1820 Fishguard, shoemaker then Baptist Minister;
Levi Edwards born 1827 Fishguard, shoemaker.

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