William Kennedy

Views: 2278
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Census 1901KennedyWilliam

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied

Detail:Ref: 34/23

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Record ID1190 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 13/04/2009



#1 | Liam1960 on 09/07/2015 12:15:07
William Kennedy is my great grandfather who was born in Cork Setember 1833 in Lahard, parish of Aghada. Admiralty records show that he joined the RN in January 1854 and his address was given as POOR HEAD in the parish of Aghada/Whitegate. He was signed in by his sister Margaret and her husband Francis Lary (sic). In parish records there is no listing of a Margaret Kennedy for a baptism nor later for a marriage to Francis Lary. (The name Francis Lary appears on more than one enlistment record as a witness/guardian.) William served aboard Gorgon 1854 (Baltic), Dauntless 1855 (Crimea), Melville 1857 (Hong Kong), Calcutta 1858-59 (China and Japan), Impregnable (Briefly in August 1859) and Topaze 1859-63 in the Pacific Station Vancouver Island) to December 1863. From January 1864 he transferred to the Coastguard and served in Baltimore, Crosshaven, St. German's in Cornwall 1866-73, Roche's Point 1873-76, Blacksod 1876-81 and Ballydavid, Co. Kerry to his retirement in 1884.
During his Coastguard service he was attached at various times to Hawke, Achilles, Vanguard (he was aboard when rammed in fog by Iron Duke) Iron Duke itself and Valiant. Following his retirement the family moved to Cooleen (Emlagh) in Dingle and William died there on July 4 1913. His wife's name was Hanoria (Norrie) O' Grady from Macroom. If any member can add any information I would certainly appreciate it.
I am currently engaged in the writing of his life story which will be mainly for family history purposes. I am researching his service on the ships listed above and if any member has any information regarding them and their actions during his service aboard them that they can share with me I would be very grateful. William appears on Irish Census 1901 and 1911 in Dingle, Co. Kerry.

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