1826. Cask of Rum found


Extract from Memorial.. 16th.April 1826.

Sent by William Landers, Ned McCarthy, John McDonnell, Tim Griffin, William Long, Thomas Devine, Pat Kennedy, Fishermen of Dingle.

That having fallen in with a cask of rum off the Blasket Sound, a few weeks since, floating on the high seas brought it, in safety, into Dingle Harbour when it was immediately seized by Mr Barwin ? Chief Inspector, Waterguard and a few of his men who lodged that rum in the King's Store, Dingle when after a few days they drain off the liquor and put it into small casks.


To the Right Honourable Henry Goulburn.

Custom House Dublin. 1st.August 1826.


The Commissioners of Customs having received W.Gregory's letter of the 24th.April last, transmitting by command of the Lord Lieutenant the enclosed Memorial of William Landers and other fishermen of Dingle, praying that a cask of rum which they found floating, and which they state it was their intention to lodge in the King's Stores, but which was seized by the Inspecting Commander of the Coastguard, may be returned to them and signifying his Excellency's desire that they would report their opinion what might be proper to be done thereon.

I have it in command to acquaint you for His Excellency's information that on the 8th.March last the Inspecting Commander of the Coastguards at Dingle in consequence of information siezed a cask of rum which had been clandestinely landed from a boat by which (as it appeared) it was picked up at sea, and that the Solicitor to the Revenue being of opinion that said rum was in proof of Admiralty the Board has directed the same shall be held and disposed of as such.

I am further to state that it appears upon full enquiry into all the facts of the case that the applicants retained possession of the rum in question beyond the time prescribed by law, by which they have incurred a penalty of £100 under the Act and the Commissioners consider that by their conduct they have forfeited all claim to reward. But that the Commissioners do not deem it necessary under all the circumstances to proceed for the recovery of the said penalty.

I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,

Reference; Custom and Excise Admin. Papers, 2/442/38. National Archives,Bishop St. Dublin 8

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