| Hello Friend,
During the political unrest in Ireland in the 1870's a Fenian uprising was widely expected, aided by money from Irish immigrants in America. Several actions occurred in various counties but in general the hoped for insurrection did not materialise. Regards, Tony
Fenians Captured. 1867. Capt. McClure one of the Fenians captured at Kilcloony wood is said to be Brigadier General M’Ivors, late of the United States army, and one of the chief filibusters who came from America to abolish the British Government in Ireland. He is to be examined today, and the Coastguards of Knockadoon have been ordered to attend in Cork to see whether they can identify him. He is a man of middle stature, well built, but not stout, with strongly marked features, sallow complexion, scanty whiskers, and a small chin-tuft. He seems quite indifferent as to his position. His companion, Kelly, who might easily have shot the person who arrested him, is a man of apparently feeble constitution, and looks ill and emaciated, suffering from privation and painfully conscious of his position. The peasantry in the neighbourhood are loudly in praise of M’Clure for his bravery, while the death of Crowley has excited their profound sympathy, and they pray for the repose of his soul.
Ref: The Times, London 5 April 1867.
Kilrush, Co.Clare. 1868. The Fenian excitement has somewhat subsided. The police force here (which is rather small in number for the ordinary duties of this large and important district) has been strengthened for some time past by the men of the Knock, Corraclare and Mount Rivers stations. They are every night under arms and a constant patrole is kept y up in the town and neighbourhood. The man named Fennell (one of the party who attacked the Coast Guard station at Kilbaha and who was found wounded in the house of a farmer of the district, named James Keane) is recovering from the effects of his wound, and is in charge of a party of Police at Keane's house. Keane has been arrested and lodged in Bridewell on a charge of harbouring a felon. None of the others engaged in the attack have yet been arrested, but four or five of them are well known and there is a sharp look out for them, so that it is probable they will soon be made amenable to justice. Wilmott the coast guard who was so severely wounded is recovering. The Coast-guards at Cappa station under Captain Jones, have been under arms for several nights past and the men of the Revenue Cutter Fry, have also been on shore several nights under arms. A disgraceful circumstance is reported connected with the attack on the Coast-guard station at Kilbaha. It appears that two of the coast-guards who were looking on at Wilmot being attacked and knocked down, never gave him any assistance though they were armed. These two men were on Tuesday arrested and brought up in the gunboat of the Frederick William guard ship to Foynes, there to await an investigation into their conduct. Their names are Lloyd and Stamford. The courageous conduct of Wilmott on the occasion is deserving of the highest commendations; and had the other two men of the station displayed equal valour, most of the attacking party would have met with just retribution on the spot. Ref: Clare Freeman 21 March 1868.
'Two Bros' 1825 A most singular discovery was made last week at Kilrush, in removing a box of oranges from the ‘Two Brothers’ which lately put in their in distress, one large orange was observed to be completely hollow, and in it found a nest of five young mice. Ref: Morning Register Friday 22nd.April 1825.
The barque,Queen, of North Shields, Taytes master, bound from Quebec to Cork, arrived in Scattery Roads, Lower Shannon on Tuesday 30th.ult at 4 o'clock pm. On being boarded by the Coastguard from the Kilrush Station a scene of misery presented itself which will not be readily effaced from the recollections of those who witnessed it. The vessel appears to have been 50 days on her homeward voyage having sprung a leak. Provisions and water were exhausted, and were it not that some temporary relief was afforded them by a brig out of Dingle, death from starvation must have been the inevitable fate of all on board. The master had not left his berth for many days, and was, when the vessel arrived in the river, quite delirious, owing to excessive suffering and privation. In their eagerness to satisfy their cravings of hunger, the sailors (poor fellows) presented the Coastguard on their arrival on board, with 5 guineas to provide them with food: and indeed to such melancholy objects had incessant labours at the pump as well as hunger and thirst reduced them that "A mother had not known her son amidst the skeletons of that gaunt crew" Every assistance that humanity could dictate was afforded them by Mr. Triphook, Commander of the Hamilton, and Mr. Peake of the Coastguards. The master was taken on shore, and medical assistance as soon as possible procured for him. Report Limerick Herald Reference: Dublin Evening Mail Monday 5th.January 1835.
Admiralty Regulations for the Coastguard. 1904.
Article 1308.’It is the duty of the Coastguard to give constant attendance at the Coast Communications Telephones and they are on no account to be left unattended by them on the Life Saving Apparatus being called out, unless it is impossible to complete the Life Saving Apparatus crew from other sources, when a competent person (preferably the wife of one of the Coast Guard men) may be engaged for the duty, and paid under Article 791.’
Wreck of the ‘Lorne’ 1911
The “Robert Theophilus Garden 1V” Irelands first motor Lifeboat arrived at Wicklow on Friday March 3rd 1911. Her first service call was to the ‘Lorne’ of Arklow, under Capt. Henry Byrne. She was on passage to Cork from Garston, during March 1911, with 130 ton of coal. The vessel reached the Blackwater lightship off the Wexford coast when a violent gale was encountered and she was driven up the coastline. Early on the morning of Sunday, March 18th, the ‘Lorne’ put into Wicklow, and moored to a buoy in the harbour. The gale was still blowing with such ferocity that it was causing a heavy ground swell in the harbour. The schooner was tossed and thrown for almost an hour when eventually her mooring gave way. Soon afterwards at 4.00 a.m. she was driven into the sand bar, blowing her horn for assistance. Cries for help were heard and the motor lifeboat was launched under Coxswain Mark Byrne and was alongside the stricken vessel in less than ten minutes. The Coastguard also went to the assistance of the vessel with the rocket apparatus, but it was not used. With great difficulty, due to the worsening weather conditions, the crew were taken from the schooner, which by then was breaking up.
LIFEBOAT CREW. Mark Byrne 9Cox); William Phillips; (2nd Cox); John Davis (B.M.); Robert Lees Jnr. (M.M.). CREW. Samuel Davis, Patrick Davis, T.Byrne, Thomas Byrne, Ned Byrne. COAST GUARD CREW. J.Hadden (Chief Officer); Fred Hanson; (Chief Petty Officer); William Barnes, G.Pierce.
North Road Cemetery, Townland Carrickfergus. Co.Antrim
PEARCE. W.H. Erected to the memory of W.H.Pearce Esq. R.N. late Commander of her Majestys cutter Racer who was accidentally drowned in Belfast Lough in the performance of his duty on the 2nd of March 18[6 ] aged 38 years. This tablet is erected to his memory by his sorrowing shipmates who regret his loss. Requiescat in Pace.
Nautical Terms
TO KNOW THE ROPES. There was miles and miles of cordage in the rigging of a square rigged ship. the only way of keeping track of and knowing the function of all of these lines was to know where thy were located. It took an experienced seaman to know the ropes. BACK AND FILL.
A technique of tacking when the tide is with the ship but the wind is against it.
Irish Humour and Wit. "I've been drinking whiskey all week to cure my sciatica." "I can give you a better cure, Mr. Ryan." "Shhh, I don't want to hear it."
Shipwreck. 1835. Early on Monday morning last, as the schooner 'Uxbridge', Douglas captain, was running for the harbour at Innislyre, Westport Bay, she ran ashore on the island of Innisgurth at the back of the Light-house. The weather was so thick that the light could not be seen at the time. Immediately on the circumstance being made known, the boats belonging to the Chance and Hawk, Revenue Cruisers and the Coast Guard boat at Innislyre proceeded to her assistance, when the former boat with much difficulty, reached the vessel, and succeeded in rescuing the whole of her crew from a watery grave. The vessel from Glasgow, bound for Westport and laden with coals and metal ware, and neither vessel or cargo was insured. It is feared from the boisterous state of the weather that the vessel will become a total wreck.
(Mayo Constitution) Reference; Evening Freeman Saturday 2nd.March 1835.
March 1869 The Captain of the Revenue Cutter ‘Racer’ drowned in a boat accident in Belfast Lough when the boat in which he was travelling capsized, four other men were travelling in the same boat. However the crew of the steam tug ‘Zealous’, which was close by saved them. Ref: Belfast Time-Line 1869 Coastguard News from England Fight with Smugglers. Hythe February 3.1832.
On Sunday morning last, about three o’clock, a large party of smugglers succeeded in landing of a portion of a cargo of contraband goods, near this town. On the alarm being given, they were pursued by Lieutenant Rose, R.N. accompanied by one of the Coast-guard men under his orders. About twenty of the smugglers were armed with long heavy clubs, besides fire-arms; notwithstanding, Lieutenant Ross attempted to apprehend some of them, when a desperate conflict ensued , in which two of the smugglers were severely wounded; one of them is said since to have died. Finally Lieutenant Ross was struck down and most dreadfully beaten, two deep cuts being inflected on his head, besides many severe wounds and contusions on the body. Having recovered from the stunning effects of the blows, he collected a few of his men, recommenced a pursuit and soon succeeded in overtaking the party, when they faced about, and fired on the Coast-guard, which being quickly returned, the smugglers availed themselves of the darkness of night, and the ruggedness of this part of the country, and escaped. This is the second time within twelve months that this officer has personally suffered severely in the execution of his troublesome and most unpleasant duties. It is reported that his gallantry in rushing in amongst such a mass of desperate ruffians amounted almost to foolhardiness; had the same dashing courage being exerted at sea against an enemy’s ship or pirate, his promotion would have followed as a matter of course.
Ref: The Times, London& 6 February 1832.
Bravery of a Coastguardman. 1899.
A sad accident occurred on Saturday last at the little fishing village of Coverack, near Falmouth, resulting in the death of a fisherman named James Barker. Barker and his partner Hosking had gone to their store pot for crabs, and as they were returning a running sea took the boat on the rocks, and both men were washed into the water. Philip Guy, one of the Coastguards on duty, seeing their danger, ran to the spot and was in the water almost as soon as the boat capsized. He succeeded in turning Hoskin, who could not swim, on his back and for five minutes or more supported him while the heavy rollers swept over them again and again. Even when a boat arrived Guy sang out to its occupants to leave him and to rescue Barker, who appeared to be drowning. After Barker had been got into the boat, Guy was at last relieved of his burden, but not before both men were almost exhausted. Baker did not recover consciousness. To Guy’s promptness in seeing the danger, as well as to his courage and skill, Hosking undoubtedly owes his life.
Ref: The Times, London 16 August 1899.
In September Issue: Coastguards Funeral.
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