Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.27

-> Tony on October 28 2018
R82, John Scott, Coastguard 1869.

On Monday an inquest was held at Dungannon on view of the body of John Scott, Chief Boatman of Dunmore station, who was found drowned on the previous Saturday on the strand at Duncannon.

Mathew Shea, acting Chief Officer at Arthurstown, identified the body, and deposed that on the morning of the 29th January deceased, along with four other Coastguards named respectively William Rogers, carpenter, John Baldwin, commissioned boatman; Edward Nash, boatman; and Henry Stewart, boatman left Arthurstown for Dunmore, Co.Waterford, about 10 o’clock in a lifeboat built at Cowes, Isle of Wight, which had arrived at Arthurstown the previous evening, for the use of the Dunmore station. At the time they left the weather was very unsettled, the wind being W.S.W. Witness told Scott that he thought it was not prudent to start. He replied that he would try it, and said that he was Chief Boatman in charge for 18 years and was well acquainted with his business. They soon after left. Shea stated that both Scott and the other men appeared to be perfectly sober and steady at the time.

Patrick Rogers, pilot at the Dunmore station, stated that on Friday, 29th ult. He was sailing in a cutter close to the mouth of Waterford harbour, about the hour of 11 o’clock in the morning, and saw a boat abreast of a place called Broomhill; he thought it to be a ship’s boat looking for a place to land, and made for her; on coming alongside the boat he sung out that he would give them a tow out of the sea; there was no reply, but they beckoned as if they did not require assistance – the wind at the time was W.S.W. the latter then hove to expecting the boat would come up; the men did not do so, but pulled down through the sea abreast of Crean Head; witness stated that he then went below, and in a short time heard some of the men on deck sing out that the sea would “do” them; on coming up he saw one of the men out of the boat in the water, the cutter being at the time about 300 yards from the boat, and on making to it to render assistance, Roger said that the cutter became unmanageable, and they were obliged to wear ship; he then saw a sea capsize the boat, but it was impossible to do anything for them; Scott was steering the boat at this time.

The jury returned the following verdict :- “That John Scott was found dead on the strand of Duncannon, Co.Waterford, on 30th January 1869; and that deceased lost his life by drowning through the accidental capsizing of a lifeboat in the river Suir, on the 29th January, while crossing from Arthurstown, Co.Wexford to Dunmore, Co.Waterford; and we are of opinion that deceased acted with bad judgement in proceeding to Dunmore, contrary to the advice of the officer in charge in Arthurstown, together with refusing the assistance of the pilot of the cutter ‘Sea Gull’ when offered; And we are also of opinion that the boat should not have gone out without being provided with lifebelts”

Reference; Wexford Independent Saturday 6 February 1869.

R16. Providential Escape

On Monday last about the hour of 2 pm, as Captain Walter Pollard, RM Inspecting Commander of the Coastguards, Kilrush was proceeding to board the coastguard tender Margaret , under weigh at the race between Hog Island and the Main, the tide running rapidly at the time, the coastguard boat in which the inspecting Commander was Unfortunately struck amidships by the tender and cut in two. The tenders boat was instantly lowered, and a boat from the pier put off and pulled vigorously to the scene of the disaster, when the entire crew and respected officers were providently rescued from their perilous situation, after having been nearly fifteen minutes in the water. On coming to shore both officers and men were in a weak and exhausted state, but we are happy to say, they are now convalescent.

Reference; Clare Journal. 3rd.January 1863.

R52. The Case of Drowning at the North Bull.

Between three and four o-clock yesterday evening the body of John Hosier, carpenter aged thirty years, who had been seen to disappear at the North Bull on Thursday morning was found. The sister of the deceased on Saturday proceeded to the Baldoyle police station where she recognised the hat that had been taken up by Mr. Hogan as that belonging to her brother. The unfortunate man, who, it was of weak mind, resided with his father, who resided at No. 3 Hosier’s cottages, Nixon Street, and about half-past seven o’clock on Thursday morning he was desired by his mother to take a walk in the direction of Dollymount. He attempted to walk from the Coastguard station at Dollymount along the strand down to Sutton, but opposite the latter place is a deep channel, with great sweep of water, and it is here that he was observed by Mr. Hogan to go down. The rumour that he had a little boy with him, as circulated by some persons in the neighbourhood is without foundation. What led to this seems to be that the deceased carried an umbrella with him ,which, might be mistaken at the distance he was from them. The body was found exactly at the spot where he sank.

Reference; The Irish Times.24th September 1866.

R92. Fishing boat incident.

Two fishermen belonging to Island Magee, Co. AntrIm, had an exciting experience at one a.m. on Thursday last when returning from Carnlough in their motor fishing boat. When off the Island Magee coast, the boat crashed into a submerged rock, about a mile distant from Port Muck Coastguard Station. One of the men had in his possession a police whistle, which he blew vigorously in order to attract the attention of the coastguards. The appeal for help was heard by the watchman on duty, and under the command of Station Officer Jackson a boat was promptly launched, and arriving at the scene, the motor boat was practically filled with water, and the two men were clinging to it in an exhausted condition. It appears that when the boat struck the rock it slipped back into deep water, and went down by the stern, and only for the timely arrival of the coastguardsmen the unfortunate fishermen would have been drowned.

Reference; The Irish Times. 26Th. October 1912

R82. Wreck of Highland Maid.

A correspondent, referring to the wreck of the Highland Maid, says;; The hull of the above unfortunate schooner appeared in this bay (Brandon) on Saturday last, and has rapidly drifted on the shore of Stradbally, within about two miles of this place The body of one sailor was found aboard, killed apparently by the falling of a piece of timber. The cargo, which consisted of casks of wine, has to a great extent, floated in, and is in charge of a few coastguardsmen from the town of Dingle, There is no Coastguard station at the Maharees, There were a few years ago in this district two coastguard stations, which through a false spirit of economy were most unadvisedly withdrawn. The line of seaboard without a station is very extensive, being over twenty-five miles. It is to be hoped that the sad experience of the year about to close, which includes three large shipwrecks , will lead to the establishment of at least two stations.

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