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Collieston Station
Collieston Station.

Built 1832

Date: 28/02/2008
Added by: Tony
Dimensions: 480 x 355 pixels
Filesize: 42.53kB
Comment: 1
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Tags: collieston 1832 uk 


#1 | Philip on 18/06/2008 08:32:26
Cluny Cottages.
Built in the early 1830’s, the cottages, formerly the Preventive Houses where the King’s Men, the forerunners of the customs and excise men lived, are now called Cluny Cottages. Built with stones from the local quarry, the red granite lintels came from nearby Stirling Hill.

Slates for the roofs were shipped in by schooner from Wales and carried up from the shore by the women of the village in creels strapped to their backs. Each of the seven single storey cottages originally consisted of two rooms and an outside toilet. A staircase separated the two rooms and led to a loft.

The two storey house at the east end of the row is reputed to have been the Collieston home of Thomas Blake Glover, the 'Scottish Samurai', whose father was head of the Coastguard Station in Collieston from 1847 to 1849.

Source: http://sites2.scr...uards.html

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