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Denis Buckley
Station Officer Denis Buckley

Date: 14/06/2007
Added by: Tony
Dimensions: 299 x 447 pixels
Filesize: 73.48kB
Comments: 4
Number of views: 5671


#1 | Tony on 26/06/2007 12:12:15
Station Officer Denis Buckley.
Chief Officer of Baltimore Coastguard Station till his retirement in 1904. Sent by Leslie James Rice, Cork.
#2 | Leslie Rice on 05/07/2009 04:03:27
Any information on Baltimore coastguards appreciated, LR
#3 | SIMON BRYANT on 24/09/2010 18:19:05
My ancestor was at Baltimore 1849 to 1854, his name was Cornelius Driscoll
Simon Bryant
#4 | mec on 01/11/2010 15:05:37
My great grandfather William Clark was at Baltimore from 1894 to 1897. While at Baltimore William Clark, boatman together with station officer Wm. Betts CO, Wm. Bond, chief boatman, J Bassett, commissioned boatman, A Hoyes, commisioned boatman, and F Gordon, boatman, were commended by the Admiral Supt. of Naval Reserves in London for the manner in which they did their duty in saving life on the wreck of the Christian Wilhelm at Baltimore, April 24th 1894. Again in 1895, Wm Clark, Frederick Gordon and Henry Smith, chief boatman, were commended by the Admiral for their conduct on the occasion of the disaster to the Zenith, a Manx lugger, at Baltimore on 28th July 1895. The Eagle and County Cork Advertiser published an interesting full account of the tragedy.

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