
Site Features

-> Philip on May 12 2007
Site Features;

Most of the articles and all of the photographs have a 'Post Comments' and a 'Ratings' button below them. These are for members who wish to comment on that particular article or photo or maybe just rate it or both. We encourage members to use these systems as they give extra information to other visitors about the particular article or photo.

The ratings gives one to five stars [starstarstarstarstar] depending on how good or how not so good you think it is. We value the feedback and hope you find it adds to the site. As always you can contact myself or Tony through the contact page or by private messaging if you have any questions.


We've just added a "Personal Favourites" facility. Every time you visit a page, it's name or URL will appear in the Personal favourites box at the bottom of the navigation bar. If you wish to add the page to your favourites, just enter in a title or short description. [If you don't enter a title, it will automatically use the page URL, which would make it difficult to remember what that link is.

This will therefore available whenever you login, so you don't have to go looking for that page again. If you wish to delete any of the links, just click "Manage Favourites" and you can delete the required link. If you wish to keep one but change it's title, just click on the link and change the title and that's it.

You must be logged in to avail of this service.

Site Admin
In Members -  2 Comments - 28776 Reads - Print    

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Tags: cutter news 


#1 | Philip on 12/05/2007 23:40:40
p.s. you may find that after clicking either the 'Post Rating' or 'Post comments' button the page goes blank or you get;

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

or something similar. This is an unavoidable glitch and all you have to do is click Refesh on your browser toolbar or press the F5 button on your keyboard twice to see your rating or comments.
#2 | Philip on 19/05/2007 09:36:15
The maximum file size for submitted photo's has been increased to 500Kb.
Maximum physical size: 1800 x 1600 pixels.

If you have any problems with submissions, please let me know through the "Site Tech" support forum and NOT the "Contact Me" page.

There is now a Photo submissions helpfile available in the "Support" news category.

Site Admin

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