Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.8

-> Tony on May 29 2015
The Coastguard Cutter 2.8
May/June 2015. Issue 8.

G82. The ‘Veronica’ of Belfast.

A fine brig of 350 tons, from Liverpool to Charleston, United states, laden with salt and coal was wrecked on the bar at Inch, in Dingle Bay, last Sunday. Female passenger, named Jennings, was swept off the deck and perished. By the extraordinary exertion and intrepidity of the Coast Guard under Mr. Bowie, with Captain Eager and his tenantry, all the others, including the master and 18 persons were rescued from the waves, and conveyed in safety to shore. The cargo is totally lost, and the vessel was the property of Messrs. Halloran of Belfast. The owners were insured.Further particulars: On the Coast Guard boat returning from the wreck of the ‘Veronica’, Eustace, master, with the unfortunate crew, and near the only landing place, which Minnard affords, a scene of horror for a while presented itself – the boat upset from the great number of persons she had on board, and all were dashed among the rocks. The Coast Guard men were soon to rights again notwithstanding their having rowed at least 25 miles, but the ships crew , half perished wifh cold and hunger, were quite helpless and were it not for the great and intrepid exertions of Lt. Bowie RN, Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard, Dingle, many lives, no doubt would have been lost, but he dashed into the surf with two others, up to his chin, when his example was followed by all persons present, and saved the crew.
Reference: Morning Register
Tuesday 16th.December 1828.

G84. Wreck ‘Veronica’ 2.

The crew of the ‘Veronica’, of Belfast, wrecked on Sunday night at Dingle Bay, passed through the town on Saturday last. We have great pleasure in stating that a liberal collection of 40 pounds was made up in the small town of Dingle, to help forward the poor fellows on their journey, principally through the benevolent exertions of Captain Bowie, Inspecting Officer of the Water-guards.
(Tralee Herald.)

Reference; Morning Register; 18th.December 1828.

G103. Contraband Tobacco.

On Wednesday evening a number of Fishing Hookers were observed coming into Cork Harbour, and making towards the East Ferry, when having arrived they anchored at the Quay near the demesne wall of Belgrave. Suspicions were entertained and private information given to Lloyd, RN of the Coast Guard service, stationed within view of where the Hookers lay, and he with a party of his men, proceeded with a party of his men and discovered a quantity of contraband tobacco on board, stowed off as ballast, and made up in bags ready to be taken away. A number of the country people came down when the alarm was given, but owing to the determination evinced by Lieut. Lloyd and his party, and the cool and steady manner in which he effected the seizure, no resistance was offered. One man was found on board, and he has been taken into custody, and committed for trial.

The Hookers were brought up to the Custom House, and the tobacco which is supposed to weigh about 10 tons, was lodged in the King’s Stores. It is conjectured that one boat escaped the vigilance of the Officers, and landed her contraband freight near Ballinacurra.
Reference: Morning Register Tuesday 2nd.August 1825.

LX226. The Coast Guards Lambay. 1861.

To the Editor of the Freeman. Sir, through the media of your widely circulating paper, I beg to return thanks to the Chief Officer and men of the Coast Guard stationed on the Isle of Lambay, for the assistance and kindness received from them on Tuesday last the 15th inst.. On that date while at anchor in the shelter of the Island, the wind and sea increased to that extent, that one of the chains parted, and expecting the other to give way also, from which the vessel might be lost, and the lives of the crew in danger, the Coast Guards under command of Mr.Stephens, in reply to my signal of distress, came off and removed myself and crew and paid us every attention, for which they refused any consideration. I am, sir, your obedient servant. John Laverty. Master of the smack ‘Pearl’ of


Drogheda January 21 1861.
Reference; Freemans Journal Wednesday 23 January 1861.

K20. Coastguard orders

In common with the orders to the Coastguards throughout Great Britain and Ireland some of the Wicklow Division were included. About half-a-dozen under the command of Chief Officer Mehigan left Wicklow railway station on Tuesday night. They were joined by about 30 others en-route to Kingstown and the whole proceeded to the South of England where they were drafted to ships being hurriedly mobilised owing to the disturbed state of feeling between England and France.
Reference; Wicklow News-Letter 11th.November 1898.

K8. The Duties of the Inspecting Commander. 1824.

His duties were to visit each preventive station in their respective districts as often as is practicable, both by day and night, and at uncertain times; to do this at least four times each month, two of which must be by night when possible; at one visit in each quarter at least they are to be present on the first of the month when the instructions and monthly journals are to be read over to the crews, and one in each half year at any convenient time. They are to have one monthly journal at each station sworn to before a magistrate by the Chief Officer and Chief Boatman, taking care that those individuals have no notice of the particular month they are to be sworn to. On each inspection by day they are to examine the state of the watch and boat houses; arms, ammunition, boats and stores, and see that they are clean, in good order, well arranged and perfectly fit for service; also that the officers and boatmen are on duty or prepared for it. Where they find that to be the case, they are to sign a certificate in the journal to that effect; if the contrary, they are to state the reasons for not granting the certificate.
Reference; Parliamentary Papers 1824.

K77. Attempt at Piracy on the Mayo Coast. 1864

On the night of the 7th.of this month, at the hour of 10 o’clock, a desperate attempt was made to plunder the schooner ‘Vixen’ laden with flour, in Blacksod Bay, where she was driven for refuge by stress of weather. The crews of three boats, numbering about 20 men, boarded the schooner on coming to anchor and set about opening the hatches, but the captain, with great presence of mind, quickly set up a blue light and rocket, which had the effect of deterring them in their purpose, and they took to their boats, fearing the approach of the Coast-guards.
Reference; Wicklow News-Letter 19th.March 1864.

L54. Brig in Distress 1836

From Innislakin, on the morning of the 23rd.inst, a brig was seen in great distress, amongst a dangerous cluster of rock, which lie between the above plare and Slimehead (Slynehead). As no boat could reach her on account of the high sea, the men of the Coast Guard station, commanded by Lieutenant Hunter, Chief Officer of the Royal Navy, made all possible signals to the crew. At 12 o’clock the signals were perceived, and by that means the vessel got into Betterby Bay, where she now remains to be repaired. She proves to be the ‘Vigilant’, of Granmouth, Andrew Mitchell master, Three days from Limerick, with corn for Glasgow – Lt. Hunter deserves much praise for his conduct on this occasion in preserving so many from an untimely death : and we avail ourselves of this opportunity to advert to his humane exertions for the relief of the poor. He has, we are informed, done much for the distressed in Connemara, by affording them, at his own expense, and otherwise, food and rainment. Everything on the brig in question was washed overboard, and her bulwarks carried away. (Galway Patriot)

Reference; Evening Freeman February 2 1836.

LX162. Shipwreck ‘James’ at Portrane.

On Tuesday the 16th.ult. the ‘James’ of Greenock, John Andrews, master, from Newport for Greenock, with a cargo of iron was stranded in a sinking state at Portrane. The Coast Guards under the command of Mr.Edwards, launched a boat, boarded her, and brought the crew ashore from their perilous position, although the sea at the time was running very high. Other boats after proceeding some distance put back, their men deeming it too great a risk. Mr.Edwards, and his party deserve the highest praise for their intrepid conduct in saving the men of the ill-fated vessel.

Reference; Freemans Journal Thursday 1st.January 1829.

G61.Robbery with violence. 1830

On Monday evening some poor Connaughtmen were standing on the quay waiting to get a vessel to go to Liverpool, when a man named Bolton, accompanied by some others, said there was a ship in the harbour that would take them over for 1s.8d., and offered to bring them to it. Six of the Connaughtmen went into the boat, and when they were some distance out in the river, the boatmen insisted they should be paid; a shilling apiece was paid by the countrymen. Another boat then came up with 4 boatmen, and they attacked the countrymen, robbed them and threw them into the river, and the poor men were obliged to wade to the shore. An Officer of the Waterguard seeing the transaction, launched his vessel for the purpose of apprehending the robbers. One of the boats made to the shore and the crew escaped; but Bolton, who was in the second boat, was taken, and information preferred against him yesterday. He was committed to trial.
Reference; Morning Register Wed.28 July 1830.

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