Site News

Tony and Coastguard related queries

-> Philip on March 07 2011
For personal reasons, Tony will no longer be able to deal with email queries regarding Coastguards related requests.
Consequently, until further notice members and guests looking for related information are asked not to use the contact page for such matters as these messages will no longer reach him. Everyone is welcome to use the forums as usual where they can post their own requests and hopefully answer others questions. We'd like to give a special mention to Martin who has been supporting the forums for over 3 years and has helped many hundreds of members over the years. Please don't forget to search the site as well as you may have missed the information you were looking for.

Tony will still log in from time to time when he gets the chance and has said that he will continue producing the monthly newsletter for the time being. I will continue to maintain the site but will not be able to help with Coastguards related matters.

on Tony's behalf.
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#1 | Elisabeth on 19/03/2011 15:21:17
I'd just like to send Tony best wishes. Like all members I really enjoy reading the newsletter and I think the whole site is excellent. Elisabeth
#2 | Gaynor on 25/03/2011 12:53:03
I very much appreciate all Tony's sterling work on this wonderful site and the Coastguard Cutter. Also the great assistance and access to expertise he has provided me and so many others through the forum.
Thank you so much Tony.
Best wishes
#3 | beeleye on 30/09/2011 11:16:03
Like many others, I appreciate all Tony's sterling work on this wonderful site and enjoy reading the Coastguard Cutter. He has been of great assistance to me as I search for information on my great great grandfather as well as providing for so many others through the forum.
Thank you so much Tony.
Best wishes
#4 | boxerdog on 23/12/2011 09:35:49
Sorry, just emailed Tony, I got a bit carried away by the amount of information on this great site, many apologies.
I hope you have a quiet and great Christmas.
Thanks for all your help.

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