1871. Firegrate damage

1871. Firegrate damage

Killybegs Coastguard Station. Co. Donegal 16th.November 1871


I am directed by the Board to call your attention again as to the frequency of repairs to the grates and ranges in the house occupied by you. On the 15th.ult you sent us a document which you called an estimate (3/-) but which appears to be a bill, and the letter enclosing it asked permission to get the work done. Inquiry has been made of the Clerk of Works with regard of the frequent repairs of these grates and he states that on the occasion of his last visit on the 28th.September, the kitchen range was in good working order - that he removed part of the fire, examined the bottom, bars and sides, and could not see anything wrong with the fireplace.

An explanation is requested.

I am your obedient servant, D. Hornsby. Sec.

To the Divisional Officer, Coastguard Station. Killybegs.


Reference: Board of Works Letter Book. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 8.

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