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William Wright

William was born on 19.4.1817 in Chichester, West Sussex. At the age of 15yrs in February 1832 he joined the Royal Navy Revenue Service going to HMS Prince Regent for training. ( Ref. Coast Guard Nomination1831 No.3573 ADM 175/97 ). On 7.4.1832 he joined the Revenue Cruiser HMS Hawke(Ref. Ships Muster book pages. ADM 119/56 ). Which was patrolling the Southcoast of England looking for Smugglers. The ships log shows in 1833, they caught a total of Six Smugglers, who were taken to Exeter Goal. In 1834 they caught Eight Smugglers. The ship then went over to Ireland and William at some stage married Elizabeth Wilkinson. This marriage produced eight children. On 31.1.1840 he left HMS Hawke to join the Coastguard Shore Department, at Innisgowla ( now known as Innismore ). ( Ref. ADM175/18 page 122 ). He left on14.6.1842. to join Mynish Station. ( Ref. ADM175/18 Page 122 ). He arrived at Mynish Station, Westport Port, Westport Coastguard District on 14.6.1842 from Islandmore. ( Ref. ADM 175/ 19 page 159. ).

In 1845 at Westport he received his Seaman's Ticket No 133.961. (Ref. Copy of ticket Obtained ). On 5.8.1847. he was promoted Commissioned Boatman. On 28.4.1850 he left Mynish on Promotion to Chief Boatman, returning to Innisgowla. ( Ref. ADM175/19 page 159. ). On 28.5.1850 Commissioned Boatman William Wright arrived Innisgowla Station,Westport Port, Westport District from Mynish. On 15.3.1851 as a Chief Boatman ,he left to join Innislyre Station. (Ref. ADM175/19 page 161. On the 15.3.1851 he arrived Innislyre Station, Westport Port, Westport District from Innisgowla. ( Ref. ADM 175/ 19page 162. ). On 1.2.1858 he was promoted to Chief Boatman in Charge. On 5.1.1861.he left to join the Station at Port Noo. For the Good of The Service.( Ref. 175/19 page 162.). On the 5.1.1861 he joined Port Noo Station, Sligo Port. Rutland Coast Guard District as Chief Boatman in Charge.( This meant that there was no Chief Officer at this station. The Chief Boatman in Charge carried out those duties. ). ( Ref. ADM 175/19 page 211. ).

On the 31.7.1861 he was promoted Chief Officer 2nd Class, and moved to Donaghdee Station. ( Ref. ADM175/19 page 211. Also photo's of Coastguard Station also ADM 175/39 PAGE 535Also ADM 175/40 ADM 175/41 ADM175/43 ). On 31.7.1861 he arrived Donaghadee Station. Belfast Port, Donaghadee Coast Guard District. From Port Noo. As ChiefOfficer 2nd. Class. ( Ref. ADM 175/20. The Navy Lists show him at Donaghadee as Chief Officer 2nd Class until retirement 1877.On the 31st May 1877 he retired (Ref. ADM 174/44 ) on pension of £94-4-5p per annum. ( Ref. PMG ). His pay prior to retirement was £142.16s.8d. He lived in retirement at Bow Street, Donaghdee with his family. Whilst living in Donaghdee he became a Churchwarden at the Church of Ireland.

Whilst Church warden he assisted in the restoration of the Church and is remembered in a stone plaque on the Church. ( Ref. see photo of plaque and of church also letter from Reverend Hewitt dated 31/8/1990 ). On the12.9.1899 he died at Bow Street, Donaghdee his daughter Elisa Isabella was present at death and reported same to registrar. He was buried at The Church of Ireland Parish Church, Donaghadee, Churchyard, Donaghadee, Ireland.

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