The Carnsore Coast Guards. To the editor of the Irish Times. 1879

The Carnsore Coast Guards. To the editor of the Irish Times. 1879.

Sir, I shall feel obliged if you will insert the following account of the services rendered by the Coast Guards of Carnsore station to save life at the wreck of the ‘Chevreull’ of Harve, at Carne, Co. Wexford. On the night of the 20th inst, the watchman (Richard Muir) on duty at 12 o’clock, midnight, observed a vessel hovering about. He called the officer and men of the station, and with the assistance of a few country people they got the rocket apparatus out and proceeded to the wreck. The vessel was making signals of distress and the Coast Guards answered by letting off two blue lights. They then fired two rockets but found they could not reach her. They left the apparatus and launched their own boat and endeavoured to reach the wreck, but finding the sea too bad and a cross tide, they had to put back, the boat being nearly swamped. Again they tried to reach her with another rocket. By this time the hands had been collected to launch the national lifeboat, which after much difficulty reached the wreck, and had to remain by her till daylight. I am sure you will agree with me that merit should be given to the boats crew, whose names I append, and also that they should be recommended to the proper authorities for their fearless and gallant conduct in risking their lives to save those of others.

Names of the boats crew:- Mr.Thomas Jago,(Chief Officer). Richard Twohig, Chief Boatman. Bryan Sweeny, Commanding (Commissioned ) Boatman. John Salter, (ditto) and Christopher Dowling, Boatman.

Trusting you will excuse my troubling you.

I am, sir, yours. An old resident. Carne, Co.Wexford. 24th December 1879.

Reference: The Irish Times Tuesday 30 December 1879.

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